In most homes the attic is a dark and dusty place where everything that is not frequently used is stored. In retrospect, homeowners learn that the attic is a very busy space. It becomes home to bacteria, toxic amoeba, and occasionally rodents and other creatures.

SOS Attic, will help get your attic back in shape in not time. We provide professional attic cleaning services throughout the San Francisco Bay, surrounding areas, and Sonoma County. Our professionaltechnicians are trained to efficiently and remove debristhoroughly, eliminate moisture, seal holes, and remove insulation, leaving your attic clean and pristine.

Most Common Problems

The most common substances and materials that are hidden inattics include:

  • Holes: Attics contain numerous cracks, holes, and gaps that allow air, bugs, rodents, and water to damage the insulation.
  • Droppings: Remnants of past or present infestations are often found scattered throughout the attic, hidden under insulation in both attic and crawl spaces. These areas can contain pest droppings, nests, and skeletons and dead animals.
  • Debris: Large amounts of dust, airborne bacteria, and toxic particles can collect in the attic overtime because of infestation, neglect, or poor air circulation.
  • Water: Standing water, condensation, and high humidity levels are all common in bay area attics. These conditions breed mold, invite rodent infestation, anddamage insulation.
  • Odors: Odors in the attic can be caused by mold and mildew growth, or unaddressed pest infestations. These unpleasant aromas filter down into your home and make the air painful to live and breathe in.
  • Suspected Asbestos Containing Material (SACM) If you live in a home built before 1980; there is a possibility of SACM. However, one of the places that may have been the culprit is the duct system. Older homes, with rigid metal ducts, as shown in the photo below are often sealed with a white fabric tape that has been known to contain asbestos. Our technicians are equipped to remove it completely. After which,you are given a safe, secure HAZMAT sealed envelope with a sample you can send to a lab for testing.


Benefits of a Clean Attic

Cleaner Air to Breathe – Because the air in your living spaces circulates through your attic and crawl space, the conditions of these unpopulated areas have a tremendous impact on the air you breathe every day. If mold, dead rodents, droppings, and bacteria fill your attic, then you will likely be exposed to these materials in the air…SOSAttic will restore the indoor air you breathe by vacuuming the problem areas, and expertly installing new insulation, so your air is cleaner.

Save on Energy Bills – The attic is the most critical area of the home for insulation levels specified by R-Value; the higher the R-Value the better the thermal performance which will ultimately save money on energy bills. If holes and cracks are left unsealed, energy escapes. Gas and electric bills increase. Your home and wallet suffer from an unattended attic.


Attic Cleaning Services

At SOSAttic, we provide professional attic cleaning services to families that live in the San Francisco Bay and surrounding areas and Sonoma County. We specialize in full service attic cleaning. Our services include but are not limited to the following:

  • Clean up entire attic of debris, dead animal remains, and more
  • Remove damaged or inefficient insulation
  • Remove Suspected Asbestos Containing Material
  • Decontaminate and Sanitize Attic
  • Green Products



There are a number of signs that indicate if your attic needs cleaning or proofing. The most common signs include:

  • Strange odors from the attic.
  • Droplets or moisture spots on the ceiling.
  • Scratching noises coming the ceiling or scurrying sounds at night or during twilight hours.
  • High energy bills.
  • Insulation that is flat, grey, or shredded.
  • Mold and mildew growth on attic beams.

You can ensure the health and safety of your family by having your attic professionally cleaned and treated. Our teams of professionals at Attic SOS Service are available to provide you with full service attic cleaning. For more information, contact us today toll free at (866)-95-ATTIC or simply complete the contact form.